User Manual
Document Layout

These settings define how text-based charts are laid out on the virtual page.
The tint is used as a translucent overlay to otherwise black and white text. This can be used to tint colors for those with visual stress disorders to improve reading or to reduce eye strain.
Dark Color
This color will be blended with any black "ink" on the page to colorize it. Default is transparent.
Light Color
This color will be blended with any white color on the page to colorize it. Default it transparent.
This is the default font to use for new charts.
Font Family
You can select between common fonts including: Georgia, Helvetica (Default), Courier, and Marker.
Line Spacing
This allows you to adjust the distance between lines of text. The range that can be selected is 0.7 to 1.3. Default is 1.0.
Page Layout
This section defines the default sheet of virtual paper used to determine the size of elements as well as printing. Options include:
Paper Size
This lets you choose the size of the paper to draw the chart. Options include: Letter (Default), Legal, Tabloid, A5, A4, or A3.
Paper Orientation
This is the orientation of the paper used to render the song. Options include: Portrait (Default) or Landscape.
This lets you choose the default margins for the paper. This is between 0" and 1-1/2" in 1/8" or 1/4" increments. Default is 3/4".
This sections dictates how the footer of the song appears by default.
Footer Size
This slider allows you to determine the relative font size of the footer compared to the lyric size of the chart. This can be between 0-100%. Default is 75%.
Display Footer
This switch determines if the footer is outputted.
Include Page Numbers
This determines if page numbers are outputted in the footer.
This allow you to add additional text to the footer.