User Manual

MIDI is a powerful protocol for controlling all aspects of your live performance. OnSong makes full use of MIDI to bring a new level of automation. Whether you're looking to navigate through your songs with a MIDI foot pedal, or want to configure your instruments, effects processors, or integration with other software, this is where to start.
In OnSong, triggers are events that cause actions to be performed. For MIDI Triggers, OnSong listens for incoming MIDI input. When a matching MIDI event is received, OnSong then performs the associated action. This tab allows you to create MIDI triggers by manually entering MIDI events, or by listening for incoming MIDI events to be configured.
OnSong is a powerful, contextual MIDI controller that lets you control your rig in an intuitive way. For instance, you may want to change the reverb effects on a vocal processor when you get to the chorus of certain songs. MIDI Globals give you one place to manage complex MIDI events. You can then assign these to any place in OnSong. If you need to change those events, you can do it all from one place.