User Manual


The autoscroll category contains actions that can adjust the speed and playback of linear and non-linear autoscrolling including:


Perform control of autoscroll state including:

  • Start will begin autoscrolling the current song.
  • Stop will pause autoscroll whether linear or in a non-linear timeline.
  • Toggle starts or pauses the autoscroll depending on its current state.


Changes the duration of the current song.

  • Adjust changes the duration of the song using variable input.
  • Increase will speed up the scrolling of the song by decreasing the duration of the song by 30 seconds.
  • Decrease will slow down the scrolling of the song by increasing the duration of the song by 30 seconds.


Manually moves through a timeline based on the triggered action.

  • Previous will go to the previous event as recorded or specified in the the Timeline.
  • Next will advanced to the next event as recorded or specified in the the Timeline.
OnSong 2024 — Last Updated on October 3, 2019