User Manual

This screen is used to import a product and changes depending on the product you have selected.
If you select the Chords & Lyrics product, you can choose what version of the song to download. The default is ChordPro since that works best with OnSong. It's a text-based chord chart that lets you edit the contents as well as transpose on-the-fly, detect chords, change formatting, project lyrics and much more.
You can also choose from various PDF and text-file outputs that are derived from the ChordPro file. If you choose a PDF file, you'll also be prompted to choose the key below.
If you select a sheet music product, the top section will instead be the parts that are available for download. For instance, if you're purchased an Orchestration, you'll have a dozen or more parts you could choose from. You'll also likely need to choose a key below.
For products that are PDF-based, you'll need to choose a key. The list is displayed with the default key selected and at the top of the list. However, you can choose any other available key.
Note that some products do not contain downloads in all possible keys.
Once you've made your selection, the button in the upper right corner is enabled and you can download the chart. After the import is completed, the songs will be displayed in the song viewer, but you remain on this screen. Make another selection and tap Import again if needed. You could alternately tap on the Done button that appears after import to return to the songs menu.
By default, files are downloaded and added as attachments to existing songs. You can change this preference using the "Import into an existing songs" switch at the bottom of the menu,