User Manual

Spotify Library

The Spotify Library screen let's you link Spotify tracks to your song in OnSong. You can access saved songs as well as followed artists in Your Music. You can also search the entire Spotify music catalog by song title, artist or album.


If you haven't signed in yet, you'll be prompted with a Spotify login screen. Tap the Log In To Spotify button to login with your credentials.

If you don't have a Spotify account, you can create one at or by signing in with Facebook on the Login Screen.

Spotify Library

Once you've authenticated into your Spotify account, you'll see the following tabs to access Spotify tracks:

  • Playlists browses for songs in all the playlists that you've created in Spotify.

  • Songs views all of the tracks that you've saved to Your Music under your Spotify account.

  • Artists displays all artists that you are following.

  • Albums shows albums that you have saved to Your Music under your Spotify account.

  • Search allows you to search for tracks by track, artist or album.

Note: You can tap on the close button in the upper right corner to close this screen at anytime.

OnSong 1.999 — Last Updated on March 4, 2016