User Manual


You can use gestures to quickly show and hide the menubar as well as show the songs menu. These gestures are only available on iPad.

Close Screens

If you've opened a modal screen in OnSong, you can close it by swiping down on the top navigation bar.

Scroll To Top

Depending on the number of songs you have, you may have very long lists. If you want to quickly get to the top of most lists, tap on the title in the navigation bar at the top to be taken to the top of the list.

Show Songs Menu

The songs menubar can be displayed by swiping from the left or right edges of the screen depending on the orientation of the menubar. If the Songs button is on the left, then swipe from the left. If the Songs button is on the right, then swipe from the right. The swipe must originate off of the screen.

Hide Menubar

You can tap in the middle of the screen to toggle the menubar visibility. However, you can also swipe up on the menubar to hide it.

Show Menubar

You can use the overscroll gesture to show the menubar when it is hidden. Pull down on the song viewer as you would when refreshing a list in other apps. This will trigger the menubar to show again.

OnSong 1.999 — Last Updated on December 19, 2017