
King of Love

King of Love
Trey Hill
Book: Fearless
Number: 8
Copyright: ©2018 Trey Hill Band

C    C    Em    D    C    C    Em    D    G    G    G    G

Verse 1:
G                                          C
You are, You are the hope in us - You have given Your life with relentless love
G                                              C
Your kingdom is here and it's breaking out bringing light to the world - here and now

D          Em     C    D              Em     C
You have redeemed us - You will never let us go
D         Em    C    D    Em C
Your mercy has freed us - Whoa oh oh

G             Am C             D        Em
King of Love  -  King of Glory You have overcome
Hope is Alive - our praises will rise to the
G.            Am C             D        Em
King of Love  -  King of Glory You have overcome
C                                C     C     Em     D (2x)
Hope is Alive - our praises will rise

Verse 2:
G                                           C
You are, You are - the Savior King You have given it all to restore all things
Your freedom is here - and the door's flung wide
We are running to You - God most High

C                         Em         G.         C                     Em      G
Chains will be broken the dead will arise - Our Savior is Risen - Our God is alive
He's alive

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